Category Archive Continence Management


Time to get back to business feeling rejuvenated after midterm. So busy with marathon folk in the weeks coming up to big day. Late nights so with it when I heard how so many made the start and finish line. November will be busy with study. Upskilling in the area of continence management. An area I’m seeing great results in. Also have advanced matwork Pilates course. So fun times ahead!!!

You know where to find me pm here or call/text 0876629403

Late evening appointments facilitated


Incontinence and Osteoporosis

Read an interesting study this week linking incontinence and osteoporosis. I can totally imagine how women suffering from urinary incontinence would reduce their high impact activities and therefore put their bone health at risk. Urinary incontinence has a very high success rate when treated conservatively when monitored by a qualified physiotherapist. Please do not ignore this problem!!!
Also, hoping in the new year to get a “Pilates for the Older Person” up and running, this will be a daytime class and will be a gentle pace but will address bone health and pelvic floor strength. Suitable for men and women. More details to follow
